
Flow around a triangular body in a chanel

We compare several solvers for a quasi-static displacement and a harmonically imposed displacement.

Chapter 0 : Initialization

NOTICE  - Initialization already done
NOTICE  - Verbosity set to 3 : Notice messages
NOTICE  - Database directory :./WORK/
NOTICE  - Working dir does not exist : create it
NOTICE  - CLEANALL in SF_core_arborescence ; working dir ./WORK/ is now empty
NOTICE  - Cleaning ALL arborescence ./WORK/

Chapter 1 : Base flow (symmetrical) for Re = 25 ; initial mesh

    ffmesh = SF_Mesh('Mesh_ConfinedEllipse.edp','Params',[0 -5 7],'problemtype','2D');
    bf = SF_BaseFlow(ffmesh,'Re',1);
    bf = SF_BaseFlow(bf,'Re',25);
    bf = SF_BaseFlow(bf,'Re',50);
    bf = SF_BaseFlow(bf,'Re',100);
WARNING -  Your program uses depreciated syntax 'Params' to pass parameters 
WARNING -  It is advised to switch to new method using 'Options', and modify your Freefem solvers to detect parameters using 'getARGV'  
NOTICE  -       ### INITIAL MESH CREATED WITH np = 18090 vertices
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
WARNING -  Folder ./WORK/MESHBF not found : creating it !
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 4 iterations ; Re = 1; Fx = 339.362
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 25; Fx = 14.1048
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 50; Fx = 7.5288
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 100; Fx = 4.3164

a few plots

figure; subplot(2,1,1); SF_Plot(bf,'mesh','xlim',[-1.2 2]);
subplot(2,1,2); SF_Plot(bf,'ux','ColorMap','jet','xlim',[-1.2 2]);
hold on; SF_Plot(bf,'psi','contour','only');
Note: To improve runtime build MEX function fftri2gridfast() from fftri2gridfast.c

QS calculations

omega = 1e-10;
Yline = linspace(0,max(bf.mesh.points(2,:)),200);

% Relative velocities in relative frame
ffRR = SF_LinearForced(bf,'omega',omega,'Options','-Vel R -Frame R -Normalize Y')

% ALE solver
ffALE = SF_LinearForced(bf,'omega',omega,'solver','LinearForced2D_ALE.edp')

% ALE solver with elasticity operator instead of Laplacian
ffALEe = SF_LinearForced(bf,'omega',omega,'solver','LinearForced2D_ALE.edp','Options','-ALEOP elasticity')

% Absolute velocities in absolute frame
% (this one does NOT include added stress !)
ffAA = SF_LinearForced(bf,'omega',omega,'Options','-Vel A -Frame A -Normalize Y')
NOTICE  -       ### USING standart StabFem Solver for this class of problems : LinearForced2D.edp

ffRR = 

  struct with fields:

               mesh: [1x1 struct]
           filename: './WORK/FORCEDFLOWS//FFDATA_000001.txt'
    DataDescription: 'FORCED LINEAR RESPONSE for a 2D incompressible problem '
           datatype: 'ForcedFlow'
    datastoragemode: 'CxP2P2P1'
    datadescriptors: 'ux,uy,p'
       meshfilename: './WORK/MESHES/FFMESH_000001.msh'
                 Re: 100
           INDEXING: [1x1 struct]
             Lambda: 0.0000e+00 + 1.0000e-10i
                 Fy: -11.6439 + 0.0000i
                  Z: 2.5623e+01 + 1.1644e+11i
               FyAS: 0.6916
               vort: [18090x1 double]
                uxa: [18090x1 double]
                uya: [18090x1 double]
                 pa: [18090x1 double]
                 ux: [210858x1 double]
                 uy: [210858x1 double]
                  p: [105429x1 double]
             status: 'loaded'

NOTICE  -       ### USING specified FreeFem++ Solver LinearForced2D_ALE.edp

ffALE = 

  struct with fields:

               mesh: [1x1 struct]
           filename: './WORK/FORCEDFLOWS//FFDATA_000002.txt'
    DataDescription: 'FORCED LINEAR RESPONSE for a 2D incompressible problem '
           datatype: 'ForcedFlow'
    datastoragemode: 'CxP2P2P1'
    datadescriptors: 'ux,uy,p'
       meshfilename: './WORK/MESHES/FFMESH_000001.msh'
                 Re: 100
           INDEXING: [1x1 struct]
             Lambda: 0.0000e+00 + 1.0000e-10i
                 Fy: -17.3132 + 0.0000i
                  Z: 2.6025e+01 + 1.7313e+11i
               Fyxi: 0.4191
               vort: [18090x1 double]
                uxa: [18090x1 double]
                uya: [18090x1 double]
                 pa: [18090x1 double]
                 ux: [210858x1 double]
                 uy: [210858x1 double]
                  p: [105429x1 double]
             status: 'loaded'

NOTICE  -       ### USING specified FreeFem++ Solver LinearForced2D_ALE.edp

ffALEe = 

  struct with fields:

               mesh: [1x1 struct]
           filename: './WORK/FORCEDFLOWS//FFDATA_000003.txt'
    DataDescription: 'FORCED LINEAR RESPONSE for a 2D incompressible problem '
           datatype: 'ForcedFlow'
    datastoragemode: 'CxP2P2P1'
    datadescriptors: 'ux,uy,p'
       meshfilename: './WORK/MESHES/FFMESH_000001.msh'
                 Re: 100
           INDEXING: [1x1 struct]
             Lambda: 0.0000e+00 + 1.0000e-10i
                 Fy: -17.2952 + 0.0000i
                  Z: 2.6023e+01 + 1.7295e+11i
               Fyxi: 0.1467
               vort: [18090x1 double]
                uxa: [18090x1 double]
                uya: [18090x1 double]
                 pa: [18090x1 double]
                 ux: [210858x1 double]
                 uy: [210858x1 double]
                  p: [105429x1 double]
             status: 'loaded'

NOTICE  -       ### USING standart StabFem Solver for this class of problems : LinearForced2D.edp

ffAA = 

  struct with fields:

               mesh: [1x1 struct]
           filename: './WORK/FORCEDFLOWS//FFDATA_000004.txt'
    DataDescription: 'FORCED LINEAR RESPONSE for a 2D incompressible problem '
           datatype: 'ForcedFlow'
    datastoragemode: 'CxP2P2P1'
    datadescriptors: 'ux,uy,p'
       meshfilename: './WORK/MESHES/FFMESH_000001.msh'
                 Re: 100
           INDEXING: [1x1 struct]
             Lambda: 0.0000e+00 + 1.0000e-10i
                 Fy: -16.7533 + 0.0000i
                  Z: 2.6157e+01 + 1.6753e+11i
               FyAS: 0.6916
               vort: [18090x1 double]
                uxr: [18090x1 double]
                uyr: [18090x1 double]
                 pr: [18090x1 double]
                 ux: [210858x1 double]
                 uy: [210858x1 double]
                  p: [105429x1 double]
             status: 'loaded'

Comparing structures

figure; subplot(2,1,1); SF_Plot(ffALE,'uya','xlim',[-1 2]);
subplot(2,1,2);SF_Plot(ffAA,'uy','xlim',[-1 2]);

Computing a second base flow with offset

Yrange = [-.02,-.01, 0.01, 0.02];
    for i=1:length(Yrange)
      Y = Yrange(i);
      ffmesh = SF_Mesh('Mesh_ConfinedEllipse.edp','Params',[Y -5 7],'problemtype','2D');
      bf01 = SF_BaseFlow(ffmesh,'Re',1);
      bf01 = SF_BaseFlow(bf01,'Re',25);
      bf01 = SF_BaseFlow(bf01,'Re',50);
      bf01 = SF_BaseFlow(bf01,'Re',100);
      Fytab(i) = bf01.Fy;
WARNING -  Your program uses depreciated syntax 'Params' to pass parameters 
WARNING -  It is advised to switch to new method using 'Options', and modify your Freefem solvers to detect parameters using 'getARGV'  
NOTICE  -       ### INITIAL MESH CREATED WITH np = 17568 vertices
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 4 iterations ; Re = 1; Fx = 334.794
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 25; Fx = 13.8722
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 50; Fx = 7.3563
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 100; Fx = 4.2026
WARNING -  Your program uses depreciated syntax 'Params' to pass parameters 
WARNING -  It is advised to switch to new method using 'Options', and modify your Freefem solvers to detect parameters using 'getARGV'  
NOTICE  -       ### INITIAL MESH CREATED WITH np = 17849 vertices
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 4 iterations ; Re = 1; Fx = 338.21
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 25; Fx = 14.0215
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 50; Fx = 7.4528
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 100; Fx = 4.2613
WARNING -  Your program uses depreciated syntax 'Params' to pass parameters 
WARNING -  It is advised to switch to new method using 'Options', and modify your Freefem solvers to detect parameters using 'getARGV'  
NOTICE  -       ### INITIAL MESH CREATED WITH np = 17709 vertices
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 4 iterations ; Re = 1; Fx = 338.186
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 25; Fx = 14.12
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 50; Fx = 7.5825
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 100; Fx = 4.3673
WARNING -  Your program uses depreciated syntax 'Params' to pass parameters 
WARNING -  It is advised to switch to new method using 'Options', and modify your Freefem solvers to detect parameters using 'getARGV'  
NOTICE  -       ### INITIAL MESH CREATED WITH np = 18734 vertices
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 4 iterations ; Re = 1; Fx = 334.762
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 25; Fx = 14.0688
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 50; Fx = 7.6137
NOTICE  - Working with 1 cores
NOTICE  - SF_BaseFlow : Base flow converged  in 5 iterations ; Re = 100; Fx = 4.4139
 figure;   plot(Yrange,Fytab,'rs',Yrange,bf.Fy+ffALE.Fy*Yrange,'b--',...
 legend('Offset','ALE','REL','ABS', 'ABS (no AS)');
Warning: Imaginary parts of complex X and/or Y arguments ignored. 




     (list of meshes previously created/adapted ; couples of .msh/.ff2m files )
Index | Name              | generation mode | Date                 | Nv      
1     | FFMESH_000001.msh | initial         | 22-mars-2023 15:44:39 | 18090   
2     | FFMESH_000002.msh | initial         | 22-mars-2023 15:52:04 | 17568   
3     | FFMESH_000003.msh | initial         | 22-mars-2023 15:56:50 | 17849   
4     | FFMESH_000004.msh | initial         | 22-mars-2023 16:01:58 | 17709   
5     | FFMESH_000005.msh | initial         | 22-mars-2023 16:06:40 | 18734   
     (couples of .txt/.ff2m files )
 Index | Name              | Type         | Date                 | Mesh file         | Re        
 1     | FFDATA_000001.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:45:43 | FFMESH_000001.msh | 1         
 2     | FFDATA_000002.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:46:56 | FFMESH_000001.msh | 25        
 3     | FFDATA_000003.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:48:13 | FFMESH_000001.msh | 50        
 4     | FFDATA_000004.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:49:37 | FFMESH_000001.msh | 100       
 5     | FFDATA_000005.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:53:12 | FFMESH_000002.msh | 1         
 6     | FFDATA_000006.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:54:21 | FFMESH_000002.msh | 25        
 7     | FFDATA_000007.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:55:35 | FFMESH_000002.msh | 50        
 8     | FFDATA_000008.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:56:44 | FFMESH_000002.msh | 100       
 9     | FFDATA_000009.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:58:03 | FFMESH_000003.msh | 1         
 10    | FFDATA_000010.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:59:14 | FFMESH_000003.msh | 25        
 11    | FFDATA_000011.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:00:31 | FFMESH_000003.msh | 50        
 12    | FFDATA_000012.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:01:52 | FFMESH_000003.msh | 100       
 13    | FFDATA_000013.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:03:05 | FFMESH_000004.msh | 1         
 14    | FFDATA_000014.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:04:10 | FFMESH_000004.msh | 25        
 15    | FFDATA_000015.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:05:19 | FFMESH_000004.msh | 50        
 16    | FFDATA_000016.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:06:35 | FFMESH_000004.msh | 100       
 17    | FFDATA_000017.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:07:57 | FFMESH_000005.msh | 1         
 18    | FFDATA_000018.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:09:13 | FFMESH_000005.msh | 25        
 19    | FFDATA_000019.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:10:30 | FFMESH_000005.msh | 50        
 20    | FFDATA_000020.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:11:57 | FFMESH_000005.msh | 100       
     (couples of .txt/.ff2m files )
 Index | Name              | Type         | Date                 | Mesh file         | Re         | Lambda           | Fy              
 1     | FFDATA_000001.txt | ForcedFlow   | 22-mars-2023 15:50:12 | FFMESH_000001.msh | 100        | 0+1e-10i         | -11.6439+2.56229e-09i
 2     | FFDATA_000002.txt | ForcedFlow   | 22-mars-2023 15:50:56 | FFMESH_000001.msh | 100        | 0+1e-10i         | -17.3132+2.60248e-09i
 3     | FFDATA_000003.txt | ForcedFlow   | 22-mars-2023 15:51:35 | FFMESH_000001.msh | 100        | 0+1e-10i         | -17.2952+2.60233e-09i
 4     | FFDATA_000004.txt | ForcedFlow   | 22-mars-2023 15:51:54 | FFMESH_000001.msh | 100        | 0+1e-10i         | -16.7533+2.6157e-09i
     (couples of .txt/.ff2m files )
 Index | Name              | Type         | Date                 | Mesh file         | Re        
 1     | FFDATA_000001.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:45:40 | FFMESH_000001.msh | 1         
 2     | FFDATA_000002.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:53:07 | FFMESH_000002.msh | 1         
 3     | FFDATA_000003.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 15:57:58 | FFMESH_000003.msh | 1         
 4     | FFDATA_000004.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:03:00 | FFMESH_000004.msh | 1         
 5     | FFDATA_000005.txt | BaseFlow     | 22-mars-2023 16:07:50 | FFMESH_000005.msh | 1         

ans = 

  struct with fields:

         MESHES: [1x5 struct]
      BASEFLOWS: [1x20 struct]
    FORCEDFLOWS: [1x4 struct]
         MESHBF: [1x5 struct]