Basic examples
These three examples are adapted from the "learning by examples" section in the FreeFem documentation. They are designed to demonstrate the basic features of Stabfem for interfacing FreeFem++ programs and plotting results.
StabFem is a Matlab/Octave interface to the FreeFem++ software allowing to use this powerful PDE solver within a practical working environment. Initially developped for fluid flow instability studies, it now includes a larger class of problems (acoustics, heat transfer, direct numerical simulations of fluid flows) and is easily customizable to include your own freefem++ programs.
The capacities of StabFem include :
The best way to learn how to use StabFem is to browse the large number of cases currently published on the website (see full list) . This section presents a number of commented programs allowing to easily understand the implementation principles. The programs are published in html form but the corresponding .m files are all available from the project repository.
These three examples are adapted from the "learning by examples" section in the FreeFem documentation. They are designed to demonstrate the basic features of Stabfem for interfacing FreeFem++ programs and plotting results.
This next example shows how to solve several elementary problems, import, plot, combine the results, adapt the meshes, and use the Data Base manager.
This example shows, through a simple problem consisting of a beam placed on top of a lid-driven cavity, how to manage problems involving several meshes within StabFem.
This section presents a number of examples showing you how to use StabFem to investigate hydrodynamical instabilities and wave problems
These two scripts demonstrates how to use StabFem to perform the basis steps of a linear stability analysis : generation of an adapted mesh, computation of a base flow, computation of eigenmodes, and plotting the results. Two versions of the script are provided; the first uses single-core solvers, the second is an improved version using parallel (multi-core) solvers.
These examples show how to perform a parametric linear stability study. The considered problem is the wake of a rotating cylinders. The programs determine the marginal stability curve in the Re/Omega plane. Two methods are demonstrated here : the double-scan method and the direct threshold determination method. For each method, two scripts are provided, using either single-core or multicore solvers.
This example demonstrates how to use StabFem to solve a linear acoustics problem, namely wave radiation from a cylindrical pipe opening to a semi-infinite domain.
This example shows how to use StabFem to compute eigenmodes in a free-surface problem
This section presents a number of examples showing you how to use StabFem to perform time-stepping simulations for unsteady problems
This example demonstrates the usage of the divers SF_TS_Launch and SF_TS_Check for time-stepping simulations.
This example shows how to use StabFem to perform a DNS, using global stability computations to generate a suitable mesh and initial condition.
This example shows how to use the StabFem drivers for a time-stepping simulation with a dynamically adapted mesh. The example is taken from the examples available in the freefem documentation.
This section presents a number of examples demonstrating advanced features such as parallel computing, mesh importations, etc...
This example shows through a simple example you how to modify your FreeFem programs to run on multiple processors using PETSc, and how to launch them through StabFem.
This example shows you how to work with a mesh generated using the gmsh software
This section gathers programs reproducing the main results of a number of published research papers.
These three programs reproduce all the figures from the review paper
A practical review on linear and nonlinear global study of fluid flow instabilities" by D. Fabre et al.
This program reproduces the main results of the following research paper : "Oscillations of a liquid bridge resulting from the coalescence of two droplets", by V. Chireux, D. Fabre, F. Risso & P. Tordjemann (Phys. Fluids, 27(6):062103, 2015)
This program reproduces the main results of the following research paper : "On the instabilities of a potential vortex with a free surface", by J. Mougel, D. Fabre, L. Lacaze & T. Bohr (J. Fluid Mech. 824, 230-264 2018)
This program reproduces figure 3(c) of the following research paper : "Bifurcation scenario in the 2D flow pasty a rotating cylinder", by J. Sierra, D. Fabre, V. Citro & F. Giannetti (J. Fluid Mech., 2020)
This program reproduces the time-stepping simulations of section 6 of the research paper : "The acoustic impedance of a laminar viscous jet througha thin circular aperture" by David Fabre, Raffaele Longobardi, Paul Bonnefis, Paolo Luchini (JFM, 2018)
This program reproduces the main results of the following research paper : "Acoustic and hydrodynamical instability of the jet flow through a finite thicnkess hole" by D. Fabre, R. Longobarddi, V. Citro & P. Luchini (JFM, 2020)
This program reproduces figures 3 and 4 of the following research paper : "Vortex-induced vibration predition via an impedance criterion", by D. Sabino, D. Fabre, J. Leontini & D. Lo Jacono (J. Fluid Mech., 2020)
This program reproduces a few figures of the following research paper : "Numerical study of ElectroAeroDynamic force and current resulting from ionic wind in emitter/collector systems", Coseru, S., Fabre, D., & Plouraboué, F., Journal of Applied Physics, 129(10), 2021.
The StabFem project is hosted by the Institute of Fluid Mechanics in Toulouse (IMFT). It is developed as a collaborative project and currently involves contributors from IMFT and Università di Salerno.
List of current contributors / users :
- David Fabre (IMFT)
- Maxime Pigou (IMFT)
- Javier Sierra (IMFT)
- Jérôme Mougel (IMFT)
- Nabil Achour (IMFT)
- Corentin Marion (IMFT)
- Flavio Giannetti (UNISA)
- Vincenzo Citro (UNISA)
- Diogo Ferreira Sabino (ONERA / IMFT)
You may reach us directly from the gitlab repository, or through our mailing-list.